Jython インストール

Welcome to Jython !
You are about to install Jython version 2.5.1
(at any time, answer c to cancel the installation)
For the installation process, the following languages are available: English, German
Please select your language [E/g] >>>
Do you want to read the license agreement now ? [y/N] >>>
Do you accept the license agreement ? [Y/n] >>> Y
The following installation types are available:
1. All (everything, including sources)
2. Standard (core, library modules, demos and examples, documentation)
3. Minimum (core)
9. Standalone (a single, executable .jar)
Please select the installation type [ 1 /2/3/9] >>> 2
Do you want to install additional parts ? [y/N] >>>
Do you want to exclude parts from the installation ? [y/N] >>>
Please enter the target directory >>> JYTHON_HOME
Unable to find directory JYTHON_HOME, create it ? [Y/n] >>> Y
Please enter the java home directory (empty for using the current java runtime) >>>
Your java version to start Jython is: Apple Inc. / version
Your operating system version is: Mac OS X / version
- mod: true
- demo: true
- doc: true
- src: false
Please confirm copying of files to directory JYTHON_HOME [Y/n] >>> Y
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Generating start scripts ...
100 %
Do you want to show the contents of README ? [y/N] >>> N
Congratulations! You successfully installed Jython 2.5.1 to directory JYTHON_HOME

Jython 2.5.1